January News

We are fully back into the swing of things now. The bed, work, ski, afternoon nap, work, drinks and sleep routine is flowing smoothly and we are really enjoying ourselves and the season. It is sooo much easier the 2nd time round and so much less stressful. Suppose it helps that we have great guests so far though as well.
Dom and I had an amazing 1st week at the chalet and are now nearly finished our 2nd. Both sets of guests have been cool though this weeks ones are pretty hyper and slightly off the wall. We have become fonder of them in the last few days though!
Xmas dinner was a success, (mainly because we flagged cooking a whole turkey and went for parts instead) and the guests were happy for us to chill with them and be part of the celebrations. We even played the Gracefield School Secret Santa present game with them all which went down a treat, though lasted for a very long time. It was funny to see everyone get into it and joke presents such as a sausage become the most desirable things in the world to have!
We are now onto New Years Eve, though that time in NZ has now passed and most of you are probably in high celebratory spirits while I sit and write this sober! We have plans to head down to our local pub after work tonight though. Will be good to catch up with people and have a few drinks. As a bonus, we have a day off tomorrow so won’t have to worry about getting up in time to cook and serve breakfast! Yey!
Another plus side is that for the first time since we arrived here nearly 3 weeks ago, we are due some snow!!! The mountain is getting pretty rocky in parts and I have taken some huge chunks out of my skis, Dom’s been a bit luckier but his are still showing some damage! Will be good to have a new coating…will also be excellent timing for the snow are people are due back at work shortly leaving us heaps of untouched snow to play on!
Not much else going on here, both Dom and I are in good health and spirits and no injuries to speak of yet – touch wood.
Hope alls well with you all too.